Hi-Tech Infrastructure Solutions
Download our AFTAC Infrastructure Solutions (C4ISR) Case Study
The Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC), an Air Force surveillance organization, was recently faced with an IT infrastructure challenge involving a complete network redesign. Based at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla., the center’s mission is the detection of nuclear detonations anywhere in the world, which may be below ground, under water, surface blasts, free-air, and in space. Held onsite, the global network infrastructure for monitoring these detonations is referred to as the US Atomic Energy Detection System. The purpose of maintaining this vast network is to ensure that countries who are signatories on various nuclear treaties comply with the intent of the nuclear treaties.
AFTAC was recently faced with replacing their headquarters building and upgrading their entire IT infrastructure. While AFTAC personnel possess sophisticated IT operational capabilities, they lacked systems engineering and integration skills to design the entire network infrastructure for this extremely large in scope, and technically demanding project.
The MIL Corporation (MIL) met AFTAC’s challenge by providing comprehensive on-site systems engineering and project management support. This effort assisted with developing and documenting their new communications architecture as well as complete installation, integration, and testing services. As a result, MIL developed a comprehensive system engineering plan describing the engineering process that would be followed during the design, procurement, and integration of this Military Construction (MLCON) project. Additionally, hardware specification documentation was developed and delivered, which clearly identified the material to be procured for both the IT and A/V systems. Our subject matter experts facilitated the material storage and handling support for all equipment purchased in support of the AFTAC MILCON project. Throughout the installation phase, our team worked closely with the MILCON general contractor and the US Army Corps of Engineers, resulting in project completion months ahead of schedule and under budget.
MIL provided hi-tech IT and A/V engineering and infrastructure support to AFTAC, significantly contributing to the success of the overall project. Ultimately, this resulted in the new AFTAC headquarters building winning multiple national level awards. Team members were presented with AFTAC Commander Certificates of Appreciation for the pivotal role they played in this project.
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